QUPA Exam App is not just an application, but it is a technology created by fellow Indians to elevate the policy of the Indian Education System that makes the teachers’ work upgraded and technological. Purpose of making the App: teaching easier for the teachers and learning easier for the students and taking exams easier for the institutes.
About MoreCreate Question Papers - Simplest way to create question paper in few minutes and online exam generator application which creates question paper faster than PC based software.
About MoreHD Quality PDF along with 5 different Paper Set- with Detailed Solution in few seconds.
Generate Question Paper with either single column or double column and with either sectionwise or without sections.
Generate DPP with 1 mark questions like MCQ, True-false, Fill in the blanks, VSQ, etc...
Generate Worksheet/Assignment with lines or space to write answers and send to your students as Home-work.
Design question paper as your desire
Design question paper as your desire
Generate Question Paper with either single column or double column and with either sectionwise or without sections.
Generate DPP with 1 mark questions like MCQ, True-false, Fill in the blanks, VSQ, etc...
Generate Worksheet/Assignment with lines or space to write answers and send to your students as Home-work.